
METHOD HOW to Turn Art Gushing Out of You into Cash Even if You are NOT Creative!

Bad Vibes are Good Vibes Too!

METHOD HOW to Change Negative Thoughts that are Holding You Back

The problem is that often we doubt ourselves which is unfortunate and not necessary. Those who study the mind and behavior would likely tell you that having a negative voice in your head comes from traumatic things you experienced in your early years. But there is no need to make it how you define yourself. Given a choice, which you have, would be to block anything that is upsetting and instead focus on achievement. As a special note, it is important to realize that you may never be able to tune out that which is holding you back, but you CAN turn the volume down! And once that volume is down (which could occur instantly if you decide that), you will be ready to take on special projects like creating and monetizing what you know into a profitable eBook.

METHOD HOW to Change How You Think About Business, if Negative

We all might need a little push now and then to get things started, but if we are not lucky enough to have a friends or family support system, we must instead depend on ourselves. But how do we do that? Simple. Just do it. Yes, annoying is that branding phrase, but it is key to you becoming who you want to become when it comes to creativity and business. Something that is helpful to many is to realize creativity is no different than business other than the result and outcome desired.

METHOD HOW to Use Three Words You Already Know to Change Your Life

We have great capacity, far beyond than we may ever know. But if you have solid Strategies DIY (Do it Yourself) and do not act on them, you are cheating yourself. Doing is not always comfortable. In fact, in general “doing” makes most people feel off balance. And the beauty of “off balance” is that on the tightrope of life, we can be “in balance.” In the end it is up to you. Do you want to implement strategies to get what you want? If yes, take action now! Plus, regardless of how you feel about this process, if you feel something, that is key. Why? Because feelings are opportunities to engage in the creative process as well as areas conventionally thought of as being restricted to business such as promoting yourself. As this technique becomes easier and easier for you, this will open up your opportunity to fully mix marketing with emotion,

METHOD HOW to do Secrets Regarding Creativity and Business

But what are you taking action on? If you think of business as being business, and creativity as being creativity, you are holding yourself back. As mentioned earlier they are one and the same thing. If you take action by internally merging within your mind creativity and business you will win. This is the stuff that inspiration is based on. Do you not consider yourself creative? Then focus on businesses and know the creativity is always there. Do you not think you have business acumen? Then harness your creativity to take you to the next level.

METHOD HOW to Create Your Own Definition of What “Art Gush” Means that Can then Help You Help Yourself!

Put simply, the term “Art Gush” means having “Art Gush out of You.” But there are many who would love to make art but do not know how. They, due to lack of support in the creative arts during childhood, now see themselves as diligent, yes, and creative, no. Would you like to experience art gushing out of you as in the concept of “Art Gush?” Of course you would! But by the same token, would you like to have the power of business in your veins? That would be delightful! Not good at either? Or so you think? Not a problem. Do you have something that you are good at? If so, hold that thought.

METHOD HOW to Prepare for Monetization

Do you have nothing you are good at except hating yourself? This too can be helpful, Art gushing out of you is art, but to clarify, “Your Art is YOU!” Did you ever notice that Art can be both negative and positive? Of course it can be. Life is full of both, therefore art reflects this. Now to move forward let whatever it is that dominates your thought process and have a MIND GUSH that is really an ART GUSH! Either will do because the point is to get it out of you however you process it. Because once you do, you can then monetize it! It is all about letting others know what they have to access from you. If you do not tell them what you are offering, they will not know. So get that marketing to the community going! The time is now to grab your moolah because you are up for the challenge!

It Does Not Matter if You are a Performer, Visual Artist or Movie Creator, with Drapes Closed We are Working on Developing a METHOD HOW You Can Reach Your Demographic Audience and Even Your Fans! Houdini Below, when Alive had, and Still has, a Very Big Audience and Lots of Fans!

Houdini (Right), with a a Woman Claiming to be a Spirit Medium (Left) Who He Defrauded Because as You Will Find Toward the End of Reading this, he Himself Wanted to BELIEVE! This is Because He Hoped, Once Dying, to Return in a Séance, from Beyond the Grave. And During an Upcoming Séance We Have Questions for the Spirit of Houdini Regarding What his Marketing Secrets are that Made Him so Famous as a Magician and Escape Artist!

But Houdini will have to Wait Because First We Wish to Help You with Free Marketing Tips?

Art Gush is for every kind of artist including those in media careers such as visual, performing and movie makers. Introducing a METHOD HOW to reach your audience and fan base.

Will You Do and Do and Do?

If you do not yet have an audience and have not developed your fanbase, this could be of interest to you, but you must actually DO the solution to the PROBLEM. Sound to nutty to be true. Could be. But it could also lead you to where you desire and even need to go. But it takes commitment and follow-through to connect with those how would most likely be interested in following you.

Whether You Take it or Leave it, it the Choice is Yours

And is this actually possible? Of course it is and that is the reason that the METHOD HOW is hard at work doing the research to make connecting with your audience and fans a reality. But until that secret strategy is actually ready for use, there is something you can do in the meantime.

The Reveal is Within Reach

We are soon to take the drape off with a credo that if you follow WILL actually work if you believe. Does this sound weird, strange and from outer space? Sure it does. But if you do, and do, and do it, the easy thing to do consistently, then success is yours.

What is Being Done and and the Window to See it?

Even though this is is a work-in-progress and the methodology is not currently available, you can still possibly find there is value in having a bit of info regarding what is being done.

Secret Not Revealed but Some Basics Given

The system is based on the idea that although you might not have an online audience or fan club, the amazing new is that there are people out there in cyberspace who if they knew such an opportunity existed would be more likely to become your fans in your audience. Without stating the secret, here is a bit of information of what METHOD HOW is working toward in their quest to uncover the METHOD HOW you can actually FIND YOUR FANS.

The Concept that Will Change it All

It is astounding the opportunities that exist for various means of being able to connect with those who are quite curious about you and what you do. Even if you go through all kinds of conflicting was of seeing who you are, sometimes even questioning your ability or worth, there is a single idea that can change everything in your life and business or even creative work.

One Sentence but Vast Possibilities

Here is the phrase to open the doors to having fans, an audience and even a way to monetize the hard work you are putting in to learn your craft and to be presentable to deserve to have those who love what you do and want to support you.

Will You Not Feel that it is Helpful for Your Specific Quest?

Quick and simple the following chunk of words might seem to not be useful to you when in fact if you were to harness it, there is the chance that if you work on it, it could lead to you having an audience you can monetize and finally be who you want to be when you FIND YOUR FANS.

The Momentary End to this Conversation but First a Sentence You Have Heard But Likely Have Not Actually Embraced

Coming up soon is the insight that if scoffed at will not be helpful to you, but taken seriously and thinking about it could help you solidify the course you want to take. I will leave you shortly but before doing so, as dramatic as it may sound, there is a door to open, that will actually work if you give it a try over an extended length of time as your primary outlook and inspiration.

We have Enjoyed Writing this Piece, in Anticipation of You Being Here

Hope you find this useful and feel free to visit the METHOD HOW to get what you want with marketing realizations and breakthroughs using Harry Houdini’s METHOD HOW to market yourself.

An Interesting Development

And depending on when you read this you are welcome to visit the METHOD HOW website for details on being a part of the annual séance to get in touch from beyond the grave this PROMOTIONAL Genius Extraordinaire!

The Momentary End to this Conversation but First a Sentence You Have Heard But Likely Have Not Actually Embraced and Implemented

Here is the insight that if scoffed at will not be helpful to you, but taken seriously and thinking about it could help you solidify the course you want to take. I leave you know but here is your door to open, that will actually work if you give it a try over an extended length of time as your primary outlook…

METHOD HOW to Market Yourself and Your Line of Business

Hope you find this useful, and fit goes without saying feel free to visit the METHOD HOW to get what you want with marketing realizations and breakthroughs using Harry Houdini’s METHOD HOW to market yourself.

Would You Like to Watch a Spirit Manifestation?

And depending on when you read this you are welcome to visit the METHOD HOW website for details on being a part of the annual séance to get in touch from beyond the grave this PROMOTIONAL Extraordinaire!

Worry Not, You ARE Up to Snuff!

To reach your demographic necessitates you have the ongoing attitude and believe and belief you are up to snuff, you can ACTUALLY ASK person after person after person, if they are decision makers, for what YOU want! Or to put it another way to FIND FANS you must ask and ask and ask. Because it you ask you will…Well you know the rest!

Although Some Say that Introverts are More Likely to Engage in an Art Gush, while Extraverts Appear to Be Better in Business, Make Way for the Startup Extrovert Who is the Best of Both Worlds?!

Are you a Startup Introvert with an entrepreneurial venture, or an introvert who wants to start their own company? Then stop reading this and act now to acquire this “Method How” Report and Strategy, because you have something to beware of and that which you should take great caution while attempting it. You are facing danger. I wish someone had told me. The danger is being faced in competition in the market by Business Extraverts. Startup Introverts, in order to have a chance at success, have much to learn.

From the very beginning introverts are not wired for success in the U.S. Because of COVID, inflation, a country divided, violence and more. But that is not all. They are for goodness sakes introverts, so competing in business is not going to be easy when you are dealing with easily extraverted extraverts. Their very name suggests an ease in chatting with customers and clients to be.

While Startup Introverts? How will they do? Unfortunately, there has been a statistical negative dip for Startup Introverts. Pandemic and more has resulted in introverts not doing as well as entrepreneurs, while many Business Extraverts are doing quite well. Startup Introverts do have the opportunity to be exposed to education in the area of Introvert Power, which for those who are quiet, it is easy to learn.

With Fear Popping Up Everywhere Like a Geiser, Dr. Doer Faces it by Giving Recognition to Others for Giving Back

Dr. Doer says to “Celebrate those who are creative and thoughtful and stay on their Doer Path!”

He further clarified:

“If you stay on your DOER PATH you can get rid of all your fears once and for all.”


Dr. Doer seems to be popping up a lot lately with his “Stay on Your Doer Path” philosophy. He says that you can permanently get rid of being afraid of staying on your Doer Path. We say back to him with much respect,

“Doc, it ain’t possible to not be afraid of some things. We’re all human.”

Finally, Dr. Doer, he admitted that fear cannot be expunged in all areas of life. He also further clarified that some fear is actually good. Like the classic scenario of avoiding getting run over by a speeding car so you jump to the side to avoid getting run over.

Fear is everywhere in this time period of violence and other atrocities, so what is one to do? How do we get back more hope? 


One thing that we agree with Dr. Doer about, is the importance of letting people know when they are doing a great job at something. As human beings, regardless of how cut off we from interpersonal relationships, we all enjoy a heartfelt, authentic and true complement from another, especially from someone we respect.

Why Start an Awards Show when Parts of the World are Being Destroyed? Aren’t there More Important Things to Ruminate On?

In the end, at least in these days of tragedy, it comes down to your confidence in yourself and the feeling of peace with others, as in being united as citizens of your country. That is where the recognition of others comes in. It can be a powerful tool to maintain your neighborhood with a brighter outlook.

It Worked for the People Who introduced the Platinum PIAs, and it Can Work for YOU!

There are inevitably small business owners and artists who are making a difference in your local area both online and off, so why not award those who help others?

Who Should be Nominated and Ultimately Win in Your Awards Show?

Doers. Doers are capable of giving back in a big way. Why doers? 

A doer, in our mind is someone, who regardless of what obstacles they face, keep moving on track on their Doer Path.

Yes, but that Still Does Not Answer the Question of “Why Start and Awards Show?”

Recognition. Recognition. Recognition. Focused on the good!


The answer to this question at first glance is a quite certain “No!” But as Dr. Doer said to us, all things are relative. He believed that if you were to do your own community awards show, that the level of positive impact your neighborhood event could have on locals, can be compared in a relative way to big and famous awards shows. I guess what doc meant is that when a community member gets recognition from their community it can be quite meaningful!

You can still Be on the Doer Path, while Simultaneously Being on the Give Back Path!

As your career and small business continues to grow, so does your mouthpiece to spread hope. Use what you have. Even if your starting of an awards show is symbolic of how you are leading your life, it is a good thing to recognize others for what they are doing toward making a difference in this world.

ArtisticPreneurs Can Make it Happen for Themselves and Others

You can be an artist and a businessperson when you are an artisticpreneur.

ArtisticPreneurs Unite!

Although the paradigm of an artist and representation is alive and well here in the USA, if you lift open the hood, when it comes to these situations, you learn that things are not always as they might seem. This is primarily on the part of the artist. You see, although there are examples of the artist/agent thing working, in the end, the artist must be an artisticpreneur.

Dr. Doer says “A part of easing fear can be to celebrate those who are creative and thoughtful!”

Rethinking Education

Art Gush: the Early Years

In its early years, Art Gush was our online destination for our approximately one and a half year long educational experiment. We were testing out the idea that a course could be taught on the web through “reality based” documentation. In other words, the students would have a window into the behind the scenes of the “making of” an actual feature film, empowering them as they work on their own flicks.

Ready Made for Solopreneurs

The reason the course resonated with many “solopreneurs” is because our technique enabled introverts to be able to make a film without needing a crew. The filmmaker wears many hats including writer, director, producer, promoter and so on. The shy person using the filmmaking methodology did it all alone. The only required collaborators were actors.. Though, soon enough, technology will be readily available for the use of all, that allows one to digitally create the actors too! Soon, one person can literally do everything when making a motion picture!

Following Along with the Documentation

Back to the documentation. It was available weekly to those who were registered. They were provided with a password so they could see how a movie was created, promoted and monetized. These steps could then be applied to the feature film process of of the students watching.  The incentive to make a movie was strong because this was before streaming sites like Netflix were creating their own product and were open to considering acquiring films made independently. The monetization model has changed.

Film Self Distribution and its Changes

These days if you want to make a profit from your film, you need to self-distribute it to sites like Amazon, Vimeo etc. Both are sites (as well as many others) that you can show your film on while being able take payments. The thing to remember though is that you will need to do the marketing yourself. This means that you must bring the paying customers and fans to your movie’s page.

eBook Creation Consultation

These days Art Gush is still in the business of education, but now does so through eBook creation consultation. This means that if you are interested in writing an eBook about your industry to establish yourself as an expert, you can do this with the consultation help from Art Gush. This covers all phases of eBook creation including writing, marketing, and driving sales.

“Art Gush” Reveals How to Better Understand Your Audience and Not Underestimate their Intelligence

The Relationship Between Content and Your Offer

Once they are reading your newsletter on a weekly (some people provide info daily but this can lead to “unsubscribes”) basis you can build trust by providing them with an emphasis on quality content. A tad of advertising can be done maybe in a “P.S.” at the bottom that lets folks know what you can do for them relative to what your content has been about.

Never Underestimate Your Audience

But never forget that people who read what you write are smart. They know that your newsletter or social media offering is intended to have them buy from you. So you need to be smart in turn and give them what they want. If they learn to value your information and it makes a difference in their business or lives, they will purchase from you.

Pain Gets Results

Something to consider is solving your reader’s pain points. Studies have shown that it is more likely will buy from you if the problem you solve for them relieves to pain. This is because pain can lead to them quickly getting what you offer so that they do not feel the pain anymore.

Social Media is a Carrier

If you are utilizing social media you need to choose what social media format makes the most sense to use in conjunction with reaching out to your followers. The assumption is that you have as social media at least the basics such as a Facebook or Snapchat accounts as well as Twitter, Instagram etc. For best results the key is to think of social media as the carriers of your content.

Do Your Metrics

Be sure to measure the metrics of all the activity you are doing toward a desired CTA (Call to Action). If you look at statistics after sending out a mass email or using social media it will help you learn more about how your information you are offer if you analyze results.

Solve Their Problems

Critical to success requires learning about how your audience is responding or NOT responding to your offers. Measuring the needs of your demographic is an ongoing process because clients can change what they want and how they want it. If you are not tuned into this you can conceivably lose out on them being regular readers or customers. Bottom line, your job is to solve their problems within your industry.

Making Ancient Wisdom Useful

Making Wisdom Useful

Art Gush was founded in conjunction with arts, spirituality and ancient wisdom. But at A.G. we believe that if you are going to speak about ancient wisdom there can potentially be great barriers of acceptance that can only be overcome by making that wisdom useful.

The idea here is that your internal belief is more important than the ritual itself.

In other words, lets say you want to get in touch with yourself via ceremony and you break out the incense and clay paraphernalia. You have recently been dumped by someone and you want to let the pain go that you are feeling. If you were to do a ritual now, immediately after a very painful experience of being “thrown out” out, chances are that no amount of cosmic candles are going to make a difference. You are in pain and hopefully one day that pain will.

Stopping Dark Emotions

But let us say that you discovered that your past lover was a psycho and had killed those of past relationships had. Will you still pine about this individual. If you are at least somewhat grounded, through the shock you will be more likely to stop experiencing the dark emotions.

Think of a Cake

In other words your belief changed. First you felt extreme love for this person and then on finding out more about who they really are, you can let them go faster, and now the incense is icing on the already tasty cake!

Our History

The Journey

Art Gush has gone through the gamut by first starting as a site for exploring the techniques for making a feature film by only one person, and then replacing that content with becoming consults for eBook Creation.

Working with Amazon

The process of making has become very simplified, making it possible to release learning materials in PDF format. Even selling eBooks on sites like Amazon is simple with the process being to create a Microsoft Word Document then presenting it. If accepted, Amazon will do the conversion of your file into one that works with their eBook system.

Self Promotion

If you do go the Amazon direction, you will need to self promote to be successful such as having the blogs of the blog publicity entity known as Blog Coalition create stories for you on 3 or so of their top blogs that relate to your industry. But that is just the beginning, you must also do things such as working with Amazon’s advertising or search engines such as Google, Bing and more.

Creative Process

First off, we are not going to get into the technical aspects of any of the tools we bring to your attention. There are many helpful articles online to find out the “how” of using your various tools. That said, we are now going to deconstruct the tactics and strategy of each of the components that we explore.

What do we mean by eBook/Newsletter/Blog? These are the three things that start the development of a campaign. The goal is to first do your 500 words in your blog which has content that can be used in both you eBook and newsletter. And finally, can also be used in your blog. You are quite literally doing three things at once.

You may feel overwhelmed by this system, so to start just focus on the eBook. Ask yourself “What do I need to do now in my blog?” If you didn’t do an outline of your entire eBook (which can be helpful), instead you must figure out the next logical chapter your eBook should have.

Create Profitable Marketing

Marketing to Increase Profits

As summer ends and school begins this is an interesting transitional time for projects. One project we have been watching with great interest is the eBook called “Create Profitable Marketing.” Basically it is about using marketing to increase profits.

Worth the Wait

We are happy to say that we had an opportunity to take a look at a preview edition. I liked it. Don’t get me wrong, it is by no means perfect, in fact it is somewhat sloppily done. But if you sift through it carefully there are some great bits. Create Profitable Marketing is the long awaited treatise about Online Marketing. It was worth the wait!

Delivers the Goods

The book essentially has a new way of looking at time tested methods.  Its process does offer some useable strategies. And in the end that is what you should want in a book. Although I wish they had gotten an editor, the new concepts in this “how to” outdoes many a slicker product. In short, it delivers the goods!