I just read a blog post from today which made me think about what motivates me. Writing blog posts is something I am motivated to do for some reason. Maybe I like the attention. Yeah, that’s probably what it is.
Making Time
In the entry, the athor explains that he motivates himself by making time for what is important. Pretty obvious really, but if you’re like me you don’t always do so.
As I write this I think about how ironic it is that I am now a sometimes blogger on a website that I used to go to to be a part of the filmmaking experiment that that the writer of the blog post did. On these very pages, was doing a course about how to make a movie that requires only one person behind the scenes. I was motivated to participate in that course because I am a solopreneur and love finding out more ways one can achieve in solitude. What motivates you and why?
The Art Gush Team is hard at work promoting “Invent Mentalism.”
Making the Author’s Dream a Reality
At Art Gush we are eBook consultants, meaning we help writers get their eBooks written and promoted. At the moment we are working with the author on an eBook entitled “Invent Mentalism” that is being created for the magic and mentalism community as a solution for updating their acts and/or developing and selling mental magic. Our team is hard at work helping to make the author’s dream a reality.
A Dream Crushed
The work, “Invent Mentalism,” and is a good example of targeting your demographic. You see, they thought they had completed the writing or their project when out of the blue in came the Coronavirus. This was a big upset for the creators personally as well as in relation to their publication because the book would no longer be relevant due to the fact that because of social distancing there were no longer audiences to invent mentalism for.
At Art Gush Promotion Was Ready, But What Now?
At Art Gush our team and their laptops were set to go, but now this big wall existed. So the author came up with a new strategy which was to add a bonus section at the beginning of “Invent Mentalism” that would give the reader insight into how to develop new income streams that did not require spectators.
We are in full on Coronavirus mode and wish to thank the creative folks at ArtisticPreneur for keeping us inspired despite the times. Knowing that there are other artisticpreneurs out there is comforting. A virus can ravage our bodies but not stop our inspiration. We are finding that artists, like those at ArtisticPreneur, are able to create in the context of this COVID-19 experience.
USA How To is Our Hero
How are you doing? We would love to hear from those of you who receive the “USA How To” newsletter. We are in touch with USA How To that has only recently debuted their website which is a site to see. If you have not yet experienced their website we recommend you do so.
We’ve looked into our crystal ball and see great thing for USA HOW TO.
A New Organization
You see, we’re big fans at Art Gush of folks who do things differently than the norm. People who break new ground. And we believe we’ve found this in the new organization known as “USA HOW TO.” The reason that we have high hopes for this group is because we know the founder who usually goes by his stage name which is Marketing Magician.
Is it Simply “Cause Marketing?”
Mr. Magician has a terrific concept which is to help people to make money with their business or career through the use of marketing while simultaneously having them make a difference in their communities. At first glance for some, this may not seem that new, because you might be saying to yourself “That’s just “Cause Marketing” isn’t it?” And you’d be right. Except that Marketing Magician is doing it with a spin.
Many Forms of Marketing
Marketing Magician’s version is that he has the whole thing worked out so that on a continual basis you’ll be doing good for society, while having excellent marketing including Blog Publicity, Content Marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Email Marketing, Search Engine Ads, Social Media Development and Web Consulting.
eBooks in the Works
He also has something that is a bit unusual for a Marketing Magician. He is creating and making available, eBooks. These aren’t just any eBooks but are rather marketing eBooks with topics like “How to Start an Amazon Business” and “How to Become YouTube Famous.”
Finance and Humanism
The part we like the most about this is that it is a way to be both successful as a business person as well as an activist or philanthropist. A great idea. Finance and humanism at the same time.
We are happy to announce that there is a new artist survival PowerPoint Presentation and PDF eBook that is being made by USA Create in conjunction with Video Film Web. We have been consulting on the project and are excited by the way in which this is going to be able to change the lives of artists of all kinds through understanding commerce tactics using DIYdigi (Do It Yourself Digital) tools. Yianni Stamas is also involved.
Become Successful with Your Marketing
Here are written excerpts from DIYdigi’s promotion page that incudes important information on how to be successful with your marketing. Here now the excerpts:
Finally a DIYdigi (Do It Yourself Digital Digital) Marketing Solution
Want to do online marketing on your own but don’t know how? Are you a small business owner or artist of any kind? A solution that might work for you is to have your digital tools and website made for you, then on you own you go out and promote your company or career.
We Are Developing Such a Solution
This is called DIYdigi which stands for Do It Yourself Digital. DIYdigi is all about learning how to make money as an artist (or business). And the great news is that along with Video Film Web Consulting and Art Gush Insights we are developing such a solution.
Developing DIYdigi
Here are excerpts from one of the promotional articles being created in conjunction with developing DIYdigi:
How the So Called Next Big Thing is Toxic for Your Online Marketing
Questioning the next big thing which is really the “Already Here” thing. I’m talking of course about website builders like Wix, SquareSpace and even Godaddy. They are appealing to the DIY crowd who want to make their own sites.
Marketing Has Nuances
Unfortunately, most find it difficult to say the least creating a website with these builders. And even if some of you can’t figure out how to use the builders themselves, you can always turn to your wiz kid niece or a friend who you recruit. The problem with this is that it is going to be challenging for your new helper to not only construct your site, but also do marketing to bring traffic to your website. And if you did the targeting properly, you are going to get new customers
Get Visitors
But the really problem with Wix, SquareSpace and Godaddy is that their solutions are just about making a website and not enough on marketing that website.
Very-Very Cost Effective
Introducing DIYdigi which stands for, of course, Do It Yourself Digital. It is a solution that is either do it yourself or getting a DIYdigi professional to help you not only create your website but also offers the option to do your online marketing as well. And you are going to be shocked by how low this all costs! The thing that’s different about DIYdigi is that it makes it easier on you because the DIYdigi tools and website are built for you.
Doing it Yourself?
Next, the you go out and attempts using the DIYdigi tools referring to an eBook entitled “How to Use DIYdigi Tools to Get New Customers.” In the end you are either successful or not.
Free Stuff for Your Marketing Success
Either way, if you would like to contact us regarding more details, the best way to do this is by subscribing to our partner’s website which is USAcreate.com. You will start receiving USAcreate.com Weekly Newsletters as well as will get a 10 day email course and Checklist eBook all free! So, go here now!
When it comes to the intersection of art and business and professional objectives, if an artist is an achiever professionally, does that mean they are a business doing art? Or, if they are more focused on personal milestones and giving back, and not so much on the bottom line, are they then an artist doing business? Can you be both an artist doing business and a business doing art simultaneously?
So you want your fifteen minutes or at least to come up in online searches. The methods that follow do work if you “work them” but do them at your own risk.
The attention we’ve been getting like here as well as here, tells us that we’ve chosen a topic for today that there is interest in.
But be cautious. Make certain that being well known is something you want because it is very difficult to turn back once you’ve started the publicity process.
Alright, take a deep breath and jump right in!
Create a blog making sure that your name is in the title. You can do this for free at Blogger. It’s important to write unique content. Repeat the process again at sites like wordpress.com.
A good old staple of publicity is the creation of a press release and then submitting it to press release sites like PRlog, Free Press Release, Newswire Today, PR.com and Online PR Media.
Don’t forget social. Facebook is always good and of course Twitter.
Write some articles of quality making sure to include your name in the title then submit to EzineArticles.com, GoArticles.com, ArticleDashboard.com and other article-based sites.
Create accounts at Picasa and Flickr and place a lot of images of you with your name in the titles in various variations.
Create a website or even websites in the amount of 1 or 3 or more.
Be a quality submitter on forums and have your information at bottom of submissions including of course your name.
Small businesses have directories so why not form a group or company with your name in the title and then submit to these directories including all the usual ones such as Google My Business, Bing, Yelp and so on.
Get people you are friendly with who have blogs to put together a page for you our at least mention you in a post, ideally with your name in the title.
Create videos about you and what you are doing and optimize them with your name on sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
Okay, there you have it, your launchpad. You’re going to have to do maintenance to make certain your online presence remains solid. Enjoy!
A possible thing to do would be to research what is involved with establishing your own podcast and then deciding it the benefits are strong enough for you to start one.
As seen in this image, must we wait for the speedy Digital Tools Muse to come to our rescue before the eBook is released? Possibly. But it depends on who you talk to. Some ArtisticPreneurs are going to want to create the tools themselves which is the argument for releasing now rather than later the info product “Exclusively for ArtisticPreneurs: How to Get More New Customers, Clients and Fans in 5 Easy Steps.”
A Month Later and No Movement
So it’s pretty much exactly a month later and we’re still in the same place: no movement made in getting Digital Downloads Store in place. We apologize for the delay, especially since based on your responses there is a demand and interest in the eBook entitled “Exclusively for ArtisticPreneurs: How to Get More New Customers, Clients and Fans in 5 Easy Steps.”
Who’s at Fault?
We don’t want to place blame but as of yesterday the ArtisticPreneur crew at Yianni Stamas’ blog are openingly taking the responsibility for not moving on on the store. As is explained in a post here, the ArtisticPreneur group keeps facing challenges.
Some Details About the eBook
Since we have a copy of the impending eBook we thought it might be nice to give you some previews of what you’ll find once the digital product is finally released. First off, having read the entire digital product, it actually makes sense this hasn’t been published online yet because it references the need of some products and services which themselves are not available yet. That said, it doesn’t mean those products and services are actually needed from the specific vendor behind the eBook, but for some, creating these items could prove challenging.
So that May Explain it
Like we said, it could be a good thing the eBook has been held back since some of the resources you would need to implement the system aren’t even available yet. We did follow up with the vendor and asked them when the resources will be available. They were very nice but very vague about when the tools for the method could be counted on.
Back to Square One
So we’re back to square one, though at least with a little bit of insight. The digital product can’t come out until the optional resources are available. Without getting too specific about what these resources are, it make sense to have these available if the reader wants to get them. Again, you could read this info publication and decide that you could create for yourself the tools. And this just might be a viable solution for those who are handy at making digital tools and what not. But for all the rest of us, we probably would at least want the info as a door to maybe pass through if we decided to do as such.