Turn it Upside Down
Today, December 9th is Emmett Kelly Day, the day that we celebrate an American genius who was willing to go up against was considered initially “the right way” and turned it upside down, literally. You see most clowns during that period had upturned smiles which Kelly put upside down into a frown.
Allowing Others to Catch Up
At first no presenters bit. Emmett Kelly was ostracized for being different. But when the country entered into the depths of the Great Depression, there was a willingness to put on the stage a character that was a reflection of the sad times. Kelly had the ingenuity earlier and the country had to catch up to him.
Emmett Kelly Day
Today, December 9th is Emmett Kelly Day. It is a time that we can pause and learn from Emmett Kelly about the importance, especially in these times, to have the bravery of trying out something new. Being the first does not necessarily result in recognition. Sometimes those who copy and then promote themselves are perceived as first when they are not. Thankfully Kelly pushed the boundaries and was celebrated for it. Happy Emmett Kelly Day!