Art Gush Yianni Stamas Quick Creative Insights Solving the Puzzle of How to Have More Aha Moments

The three blogs that coincide with the Celebify current Grow Your Own Audience video mini podcast episode on the topic of Mindful Ally are Artisticpreneur, Art Gush, and AI in NYC. All three of these online publications are a part of the approximately twenty seven media arts blogs known as The Arts and Media collection.

What is Art Gush? Art Gush, which is a little known term that was originated in New York, New York, and means having an aha creative moment.

It is the goal of many to have more Art Gush discovery moments because such insights can lead to a faster take on the procedure to grow your own audience.

But can you make an art gush moment gush through more often?

An expert tells us that if you have been brainstorming with yourself seeking a solution to a problem, chances are you have already thought of the solution, you just may not have put the pieces of the puzzle each into its right place yet.